Are You Having FOMO? Here’s an Easy Fix. You can alleviate your Fear of Missing Out in only half an hour per week! How? Join us at the 11:30 am Weekly Wednesday Healing Service — on Zoom or in person in Grace Chapel. What will you get? A wonderful “time out” and refreshment from the busy-ness of our world. This weekly event has created a community with interactions between the members that are meaningful and not to be forgotten (except for those of us — like me — who can’t remember stuff).
The brief weekly service, whose hosts include the Rev. Jeff Thornberg, the Rev. Annie Thornberg, Deacon Bill Doulos, the Rev. Tim Hartley, and the Rev. Reese Riley (Hannah Riley’s father), provide a reflection on a saint of the week, two readings, and a Gospel passage. And then a joyful — no other way to describe it — discussion about things and current happenings commences.
Those of us who attend either in person or through Zoom have gotten to know one another and have created a community, made up of folks who participate in the many COS ministries. This community is unbelievable — many of its members do their own thing — and are gratified by working with others, interacting with friends, mentoring those who are depressed, supporting the bell choir, and supporting the COS’s transitional housing ministry and other ministries.
Moments of interaction between us at recent meetings result in discussions varied and wildly different from session to session. Examples are God and Jesus and that they are same but can be thought of differently, heaven, compassion (a big one), concern for others, and service to others. You never can guess what will take place. It is easy to see that those who participate are those you would like everyone else in this universe to be like: non- judgmental, open-minded, content, and interested in others.
After our discussions, the healing prayer time begins. We recognize those who need help or are sick, those who have passed, those who have joy through family happenings, and other random events. Soulful music accompanies our reading of the prayer lists.
This unique and extraordinary ministry of COS is also a break for the soul—not just because of the biblical readings but also because it is all presented against a background of the beauty of nature. How? Hannah Riley and the Rev. Tim Hartley present backgrounds of glorious sky, heavenly mountains, and lush forests to satisfy our craving for nature’s peace.
To close each service, we offer prayers for healing and thanksgiving and whatever is on our minds. The group prays together and sends our hopes to heaven. Try it out! It is the best use of a half hour on a weekday. Once you’ve joined us a couple of times, you will find yourself addicted.
The latest Zoom address is 861 6383 9711. The password is healing.
Please contact COS to get on the email list (an email is usually sent to remind us of the service just before it begins). For additional information about other services, call (626) 282-5147 or write to info@churchofoursaviour.org, or go to the website at https://www.cosepiscopal.org/worship.