I’m excited to share a new opportunity for you to make music at Church of Our Saviour this summer. We’re inviting singers of all ages to come together to create music for the 10 am Sunday services in a multigenerational Family Choir.
Our kickoff rehearsal and barbecue is set for Sunday, June 23 at 11 am. After that, we will gather weekly to rehearse in Atwill, the Children’s Church/Choir room, at 9 am and sing for the 10 am service on Sundays from June 30 to August 18.
Don’t worry if you want to try it but can’t make it every week. Come to the 9 am rehearsal on the day you want to sing in church. And, this isn’t just for families with children. Single adults are more than welcome. No special clothes or robes needed at any age!
Making music together awakens the imagination, brings faith emotionally alive, and creates memories that last a lifetime. Help us do more together than we can do apart, and join us for Family Choir.
Thank you to our Children’s Church and SPARK program for joining with COS Music and inspiring future singers and choristers.
For more information, talk to Bob Crocker or Hannah Riley any Sunday after church, or email us at BobC@cosepiscopal.org or HannahR@cosepiscopal.org