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A Letter from Stephen Miles: GUEST PRIEST AT COS DURING JUNE

See below for a message to our parish from Steve Miles,

a priest visiting us all the way from England!

Dear All at Church of Our Saviour,

My name is Rev. Steve, I am 30 years old and married to my beautiful wife, Jenny. We are currently coming to the end of my curacy in the Bath and Wells Diocese in the South West of England. A curacy is a period of two and a half years following theological college, in which the curate is an associate priest alongside a rector or incumbent. During this time I hope to finish my training before establishing my own ministry as rector or priest in charge in my own parish. During curacy we are given the opportunity to go on a long placement to explore ministry in other contexts, and that is why I am coming to Church of Our Saviour in June.

Away from ministry, I am passionate about reading (J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis), academic study (narrative theology and missiology), long distance running and spending time at the beach exploring with Jenny. We both love to travel and have been over to the U.S. numerous times. Jenny has worked at Saddleback Church on and off since 2016 on a voluntary basis.

I grew up in the moorlands of South West England, the son of a pastor/ farmer. Both of my parents led a nondenominational charismatic church which I was a part of until I was 22. I then became the senior youth pastor at an Anglican Church whilst doing my first theological degree at a Baptist theological college. After five years of being a youth pastor, I felt God’s call to ordained ministry. After marrying, Jenny and I moved to Oxford, where I did my second theological degree as well as trained for ordination to the priesthood in 2021. During our years of ministry together, Jenny and I have both felt a strong sense of God’s call to ministry in the United States, and I look forward to discerning the way ahead whilst with you.

I am looking forward to getting to know you all, and I hope to have the opportunity to share more of my story with you then.

In Christ,

Reverend Stephen D. Miles


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