Church of Our Saviour was bustling with activity this past weekend. From the Laós Chamber Music Mosaic concert and Jubilee Homes’ monthly dinner on Saturday to breakfast hosted by Pez Cantina and the Blessing of the Animals service Sunday afternoon, there wasn’t a moment when COS family and friends from the community weren’t getting together on campus.
Appropriately, in the midst of all of these wonderful events, we were able to formally welcome new members into the COS family at a gathering in Cleaver Hall after the 10:00 am service last Sunday, October 2.
After a long hiatus (due to COVID restrictions), COS was able to resume our regular new member welcome events. Those who have begun attending COS since the spring 2020 were encouraged to attend. At the gathering, almost twenty new members, (mostly from the English-speaking congregation), as well as parishioners who have a longer tenure, gathered to greet and learn more about each other and the Church of Our Saviour.
Father Jeff described being a member at COS and also briefly talked about what it means to be an Episcopalian. Father Tim described some of our outreach ministries and ways to become involved at Church of Our Saviour. Senior Warden John Vandercook explained the role of the Vestry. Juli Kennedy presented a slide show compiled by Ed Andersen that gives a brief history of the Church of Our Saviour and the vision of some of the church’s former rectors.
The gathering provided newer faces at Church of Our Saviour the opportunity to greet one another as well as meet a few other members in a casual setting. A lot of lively chatter around the tables meant that folks were getting to know one another. In a wrap-up activity people shared with the wider group something they learned about a person at their table. One new member who had attended the Laós concert the night before said, “It’s amazing that the final thing I did last night was attend an event at COS and the first thing I did this morning is attend a service at COS.”
Please greet newer members when you see them. We plan to hold at least three additional gatherings to welcome newer members each “academic” year. The next gathering will be held before the beginning of Lent. As Father Jeff said, “We are better because you choose to spend your time with us.”