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Lenten Daily Reflection: The Thursday after Ash Wednesday

Eric Miller

Life is precious and on Ash Wednesday we are reminded that one day we will all return to God. What does that look like for you?

Sanctuary by Catherine Gibbs

Life IS precious. During this pandemic, the notion of just how fragile our hold on life is has never been more relevant. For me, Ash Wednesday’s reminder of our own mortality is not a negative thing; having faith in God means that it is a comfort to know that when we go—as we all surely will—we will be going home. Ash Wednesday, ushering in Lent as it does, is the perfect time to reflect on the profound implications of this—this year, more than ever.



Direct us, O Lord, in all our doings with your most gracious favor, and further us with your continual help; that in all our works begun continued, and ended in you, we may glorify your holy Name, and, finally, by your mercy, obtain everlasting life, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.


Click on the link below to listen to Fran McKendree's gorgeous musical rendition of the Lord's Prayer.


Click below to read a "A Year of Lent (and Counting)" by Duo Dickinsin.


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