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Lenten Daily Reflection: The Tuesday in the Second Week of Lent

Clyde Beswick

Lent is a time to re-turn to God. Celtic spirituality is characterized by the expectation of finding God within. Finding God within ourselves and within creation by listening for the heartbeat of God. Describe a time in your life where you have heard the heartbeat of God.

Collage by Jim Isermann

At 51, having rebelled against my fundamentalist Christian upbringing and leading a rather self-centered life, I was drawn to a return to faith by my devout Buddhist partner. His example made me realize the spiritual center of my life was missing. He urged me to find it in Buddhism but, having been raised a Christian, I was drawn to the God of my childhood.

When thinking about my return to God, I am reminded of my first meeting with the rector of the Episcopal Church I attended after those years of being away from faith. I remember telling her the “story” of my self-centered years away from God, she told me,”it’s not important to God how you got here, what’s important is that you are here now.” That acceptance by God, no matter what, cried out to me as His heartbeat.

A few Sundays later the sermon was about the grace of God. Grace has been a constant realization for me ever since. I realized that, for me, grace is God’s heartbeat. When I wander from God I am drawn back by realizing His love and grace in all things. My renewed faith continues to grow and if you ask me why I believe in God the answer would be one word, GRACE.

My friend, author Cathleen Falsani, in her book Sin Boldly says, “Justice is getting what you deserve. Mercy is not getting what you deserve. And GRACE is getting what you absolutely don’t deserve.” If that description of grace doesn’t sum up the heartbeat of God I’m not sure what does.



O God, you willed to redeem us from all iniquity by your Son: Deliver us when we are tempted to regard sin without abhorrence, and let the virtue of his passion come between us and our mortal enemy; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.


Click link below to listen to "Whichever Way You Turn" by John Philip Newell, sung by Fran McKendree and Friends.


Click on the link below purchase Sin Boldly: A Field Guide for Grace by Cathleen Falsani - Clyde references this in his reflection!


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