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John Vandercook

Dear COS family,

Your Vestry and I thank the members of our parish for their overwhelming generosity in the funding endeavor we have undertaken for the upkeep, maintenance and beautification of our Church grounds. We invite you to join us to help fund the remaining capital projects currently needed on our campus.

Church Facility Stewardship needs include:

  • Baptistry Plaque Updates...........................................................................$ 3,000

  • Church Grounds – Termite Control Fun.............................................$ 6,000

  • Church Grounds – Tree Trimming Fund............................................$ 6,000

  • Grace Chapel Streaming Project.............................................................$ 8,000 FUNDED

  • Historic Sanctuary – Lighting Upgrade...............................................$ 8,000

  • ACGS Cottage Classroom – HVAC Replacement..........................$ 9,000

  • Telleen Patio – Repair.......................................................................................$ 10,000

  • Historic Sanctuary – Sound System Upgrade..................................$ 20,000

  • Cleaver Hall & Grace Chapel – HVAC Upgrad....................................$ 14,000 FUNDED

  • Sacred Garden – Event Venue Upgrade...............................................$ 20,000 FUNDED

  • Sanctuary & Sacristy – Exterior Painting...............................................$ 35,000

  • Cleaver Hall & Grace Chapel – Roof & Gutter Guard Repair......$ 45,000

Through filming income, your generous gifts, and pledge plus commitments, we are thrilled to announce that we have already funded three of the above projects: the Grace Chapel Streaming Project, Cleaver Hall & Grace Chapel’s HVAC Upgrade, and the Sacred Garden Upgrade. We are extremely grateful.

You can ensure the care of our grounds and buildings by making a gift today so that our beautiful campus can continue to unite us in fellowship with one another as we continue to serve God together. Your gift can be made on our website ( or via check written to Church of Our Saviour, with a note in the memo line “capital projects.” Stay tuned, as each month we will update you with the campaign’s progress. For questions, please contact Rose Gonzalez at

Many Thanks,,

John Vandercook, Senior Warden


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