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Letter from the Rector: COS WELCOMES BISHOP

Dear siblings in Christ,

This Sunday, April 16, we are thrilled to welcome Bishop Ed Little as we baptize, confirm, and receive candidates while renewing our Baptismal Covenant. Episcopate visits from a diocesan bishop are a regular part of church life and ministry. In addition to confirming and baptizing at our bilingual (Mandarin and English) 10 am service, Bishop Ed will be preaching at both the 8 am and 10 am services in the Historic Sanctuary.

The Rt. Rev. Edward Stuart Little II has recently returned to Southern California and now serves as an assisting bishop in the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles. Little is no stranger to this diocese—he earned his bachelor’s degree from USC and later served as vicar and first rector of St. Joseph’s Church, Buena Park. He was rector of All Saints Church, Bakersfield, when he was elected bishop of the Diocese of Northern Indiana in 1999.

A native of New York City, Bishop Ed earned his Master of Divinity degree from Seabury-Western Theological Seminary. He was ordained to the diaconate and priesthood in 1971 in the Diocese of Chicago. During his episcopate he focused on congregational development, helping the mostly small churches of his diocese to expand their ministries by addressing needs in their communities.

“When I became bishop,” said Bishop Ed, “I committed myself to helping the diocese become increasingly Christocentric; to helping every man, woman, and child in the diocese to speak openly of their relationship with Jesus; and to helping parishes to see the world beyond their doors as their mission field.” These core values have been his guiding principles.

We are so grateful for the opportunity for this visit. Welcome, Bishop Ed!




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