Dear siblings in Christ,
As Church of Our Saviour heads into a new fiscal year, I write to update you on an initiative the vestry has undertaken in its efforts to caretake the indefinite sustainability of our church.
Our Saviour Center (OSC) has been an inspirational outreach ministry in the city of El Monte for decades. For nearly 38 years, COS and OSC have been one organization, committed to one another’s success. Yet as many have noted for decades (at both OSC and COS), that there are numerous challenges and opportunities inherent to the structures of both as we look towards the future.
In light of our commitment to mutual success, and as we look to the future, your vestry has authorized me to appoint a team of lay leaders to discern the next best steps for OSC and COS. Brenda Maceo, Dennis Duling, Russ Case, and John Ballance (all former members of the OSC advisory committee) have agreed to spearhead this effort. Please thank them for their willingness to undertake this work.
Your vestry has charged this discernment committee with exploring the historic and present relationship between OSC and COS, discerning possible outcomes, and providing recommendations by late spring. At that time, the congregation will be updated as to the team’s findings and prospective next steps.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. We are better because you choose to spend your time among us.

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