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Letter from the Rector: Easter & Reopening

Dear siblings in Christ,

I write to you this day for several reasons. First and foremost, I invite you to experience Holy Week and Easter with Church of Our Saviour. Our ritual remembrance of Christ’s arrest, crucifixion, death, and resurrection will be all the better if you choose to spend your time among us in worship (virtually or in person).

Moreover, this year represents an opportunity to come together in worship in a way that we have not for some time. To that end, I share with you our Holy Week and Easter schedule. Please spread near and far!

Maundy Thursday (4/1)

7 pm: Holy Eucharist with symbolic washing of feet; Communion and Stripping of the Altar. Online and outside in person in English. Online only in Mandarin.

Good Friday (4/2)

12 pm: Stations of the Cross, Outside in English, not virtual. Meet in front of the church.

7 pm: Good Friday liturgy with veneration of the Cross. Online and in English. Online only in Mandarin.

Easter Vigil (4/3)

8 pm: Online only (

Easter Day (4/4)

8 am: Holy Eucharist Rite I (Online and in person outside)

9:30 am: Holy Eucharist Rite II (Online and in person outside)

10:30 am: Drive Thru Communion (Drive to circle)

11:00 am: Holy Eucharist in Mandarin (Online and in person)

Additionally, your vestry and lay leaders are preparing for indoor worship in May. In order to accomplish that goal, we will need to purchase more cleaning supplies and signage in order to coordinate, clean, and otherwise offer safe, socially distant worship and fellowship.

Each year, Church of Our Saviour requests additional funds at Christmas and Easter in order to provide for the celebration. This year, I ask the same, as we plan for live music outside during all three Easter services. Yet, more than that, I ask you to prayerfully consider donating additional funds to assist with this effort.

The Church of Our Saviour has countless celebrations of the Christ’s resurrection in its future. Nevertheless, I suspect each and every one of us will remember this occasion after the year we have had. Will you join us?




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