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Letter from the Rector: Welcome Rev. Brian O'Rourke!

Dear siblings in Christ,

During this final week of Advent, I write to you with some very exciting news. With the consent and counsel of the wardens and vestry of Church of Our Saviour, I have called the Rev. Brian O’Rourke to join the COS staff as a part-time Associate, beginning the first week of January.

Brian will be with us on Sunday mornings and afternoons about twice per month, assisting with children’s church and youth group, as well as sharing with our other clergy in Sunday preaching and worship. Moreover, Brian will join me in beginning a new midweek formation program for our more senior and “less young” community members, beginning in Lent 2025.

Brian brings to COS a breadth of experience for this ministry. Over the past thirteen years he has served at several parishes and spent four and a half years as chaplain at Altadena’s retirement community MonteCedro. During the week, Brian currently serves as cofounder and president of Senior Community Engagement, Inc., a local nonprofit working with seniors in memory care and assisted living communities.  

Raised on the Monterey Peninsula, Brian attended All Saints Episcopal Church in Carmel in his youth. He earned a bachelor of science degree in Business Administration at Menlo College in Atherton, California, and then began a career in sales in the San Francisco Bay Area. Soon afterward he met his wife, Jenny. They moved to Los Angeles, where together they discerned his call to the priesthood while attending All Saints, Pasadena, and St. James’, South Pasadena. Brian went on to earn a Masters in Divinity at Virginia Theological Seminary, and then underwent two years of field education at the Washington National Cathedral and Clinical Pastoral Education at the Hebrew Home of Greater Washington, a Jewish retirement home in Rockville, Maryland, before he and his family’s return to Southern California.

Brian, Jenny, and their daughter, Maggie, will be joining us the first week of January. Maggie is in the 7th grade and has already joined the COS youth group. The family is looking forward to joining us on Sunday mornings along with Brian’s mother, Cynthia. 

Please join me in welcoming Brian, Jenny, and Maggie!  As always, please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have.


The Rev. Jeff Thornberg

Rector of Church of Our Saviour

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