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Meet Your Vestry Slate 2023

Introducing the candidates for our newest Vestry Class of 2026. Elective members of the Vestry are elected for three-year terms and until their successors are elected and qualified. Your Vestry meets monthly on the third Tuesday. Annual meeting will be held in our Historic Sanctuary with an online option on Sunday, Feb. 5th, at 9 am. A parish breakfast will be offered before the meeting in Cleaver Hall at 8 am.


Virginia Barger

In 1986 I joined COS, where I was baptized, married, and confirmed. I was a board member of A Child’s Garden School for the years 1992–1994. For about 17 years I taught Sunday School and Daily Vacation Bible School at the Pre-K, 1st/ 2nd grade and middle school levels. In 1994, I volunteered with Dorris Dann at the Our Saviour Center Food Bank and for Children’s Education. I joined the Joy of Living Bible study in 1997. In the early 2000’s I rang bells in the Handbells Choir for several years. In the past year, I have regularly attended the Healing Service and the Garden Service, becoming Lay Reader Coordinator for that service.

I was a Vestry member from 2011 through 2013. After joining the Vestry, I helped to reinstate the Finance Committee and became Chair for the next four years. I rejoined the Finance Committee in April 2021. I also became a member of the Endowment Committee in July 2021. I became a member of the Stewardship/Annual Giving Committee in August 2022.

I have over 35 years’ business experience, with 20 years’ experience in the banking industry, primarily in Operations. I was vice president and corporate accountant for the Retail Consumer Construction Lending unit of OneWest Bank (formerly IndyMac Bank.) I also have been employed at accounting firm KPMG as a tax accountant and real estate consultant. Additionally, I was the office manager/accountant for my family’s construction business and for a startup real estate management firm.

My education includes an MBA from the UCLA Anderson School of Management with a concentration in Finance and Accounting. I received my bachelor's degree in mathematics from Ohio Wesleyan University.


Jeff Ross

I was born in Pasadena and lived in Rosemead as a child until my family relocated to the Philippines as missionaries in 1972. My parents were missionaries for Far East Broadcast Company, a Christian radio station, outside Manila. I remember my international friends, hot weather, lovely beaches and the daily hour-long school bus ride to school.

Upon returning to the U.S. in 1986, we resettled in Temple City, and I attended Maranatha High school for my junior and senior years. I was raised in the Evangelical Free denomination and attended church regularly at Bethany Church in Sierra Madre until college.

After meeting my future wife at college, we looked for a church to attend and in which to get married.

Bob and Marjorie Bartley of COS welcomed us with love and open arms. We were married in 1998 and have attended COS regularly. I fell in love with the rituals and practices of the Episcopal Church and was baptized and confirmed at COS.

At COS I have been involved with small groups and at Our Saviour Center as a board member for quite a while. I am currently involved with the Forum planning committee, serving as a Eucharistic Minister and as the Chairman of the Endowment Committee.


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