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Rose J. Gonzalez

Of the many wonderful, life-affirming and impactful ministries nurtured by Church of Our Saviour, Our Saviour Center Sunday provides an insightful opportunity to engage with staff, volunteers and program graduates from Our Saviour Center. The Center’s three core areas of providing community access to improved health, wellness, learning and self-sufficiency in El Monte and surrounding areas of the San Gabriel Valley are through Youth Development Programming, Emergency Temporary Housing for families, and a Food Pantry. Our Saviour Center aims to address the most immediate and basic needs so that the lives of children, adults and seniors can stabilize and improve.

The Covid-19 pandemic hit our community especially hard. Rising to the challenge of markedly increased need, our doors never closed. Where we used to serve 200 households on a Food Bank Tuesday, we began to feed 800. When the children of essential workers were left without a school day or homework assistance, Dorris Dann Kids Campus staff ensured the continued health, safety and learning environment of nearly 150 children, each and every day. As the virus spread, we were able to provide 25% more families with children a temporary, emergency, safe place to stay at local motels. Through a grant from the Center for Strategic Partnerships and Community Partners, we have hired three additional temporary staff to guide community members to local Covid-19 vaccination and testing sites, education and outreach. Still, service numbers remain elevated, even as children and most people return to school and work.

For 36 years, our mission has been to share love, hope and resources with our neighbors in need. Our Saviour Center provides the programs and services our community looks for to assist them gain the resources and stability they require to live a better life. El Monte residents have been historically excluded from social advancement, economic opportunity and physical well-being due to income level, ethnicity and immigration status. Our small but mighty staff humbly serves all who enter our doors and graciously accepts a helping hand from all who wish to serve. Volunteers are welcome on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. to help bag and distribute food items at our Food Bank. Homework helpers, tutors, and community volunteers can read to, assist and teach children at the Kids Campus (once the pandemic comes to a close). Office talents can be shared on our Main Campus by assisting with administrative tasks, events, and data entry. Working together, every helping hand lends itself to a better world for everyone.

Please contact with questions or to learn more about how you can become involved.


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