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Puzzling Together Towards 2022: STEWARDSHIP VIDEO SERIES

Hannah Riley

Updated: Oct 20, 2021

Last year amid the uncertainty of a global pandemic, the stewardship team chose a puzzle piece as our stewardship image. There was this overwhelming sense of putting our pieces back together – we were transitioning and growing, regathering and pivoting, masking and unmasking and masking again. The stewardship team kept this puzzle image as we look toward 2022. Still wondering and dreaming and puzzling together, we are creating a vision for Church of Our Saviour.

Our rector, the Reverend Jeff Thornberg, preached last Sunday about the importance of listening to each other as we reflect who we are, where we are going as a church, and how we devote our resources of time, talent, and treasure. Throughout this stewardship season, we will be featuring a series of videos and articles that highlight the diverse stories and experiences of sharing these resources in our COS community. We hope these reflections help illustrate how we all fit together to create our church.

Beginning this week, your pledge card will be arriving in the mail. On the back is a space for you to choose a time to gather in fellowship with our rector, either at the rectory or on Zoom. These “giving gatherings” are opportunities to spend time in conversation as we continue the work of our “puzzle.”

Thomas Merton wrote, “To be grateful is to recognize the love of God in everything He has given us—and He has given us everything. Every breath we draw is a gift of His Love, every moment of existence is a grace, for it brings with it immense graces from Him.”

We are so grateful you have chosen COS as your church family and for all that you already give. Please join us as we watch, listen, read, and give together in God’s grace. We are better because you choose to spend time among us.


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