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Small group opportunity for the Fall: Education for Ministry

Kari Stewart

As the pandemic has gone on, and “shelter in place” has been the rule of the day, the value of the small group Education for Ministry (EfM) community emerges as a balm against social isolation. Motivated by the desire to keep one’s faith life fresh and growing, participants commit to creating space in one’s life for regular academic and biblical readings, discussion, worship and deeper learning with the mutual support of a small group engaged in a similar goal. We meet weekly (currently Sunday evenings) for 36 weekly sessions, fall through spring. Perhaps you’ve felt a call for such an experience?

As fellow parishioner David Arnt approaches his fourth (and final) year, he has this to share: “Why am I taking EfM? Well, when initially asked, I believe I responded with “Why not? It’ll give me something to do.” My answer has changed over the last few years. EfM has become an intergral part of my life’s experiences. The shared moments, the learning, readings, and spending time with other in the EfM community has made such a wonderful impact on both my spiritual and personal growth. And I believe in my Spiritual Maturity. If I had to give a Google review, it’d be four and a half stars with a ‘Highly recommended’ heading.”

Contact Kari Stewart ( or Juli Kennedy ( if you are interested in joining our group this fall. We are planning to meet via Zoom until it is safe to resume in-person meetings. Visit for more information about the curriculum. Join the EFM journey where you are guaranteed not to step in dogma!


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