Welcome to Church of Our Saviour, an Episcopal church serving the San Gabriel Valley for over 150 years. Whether you are new to COS or have been a part of our community for years, we are happy for you to join us in prayer, fellowship and service at our Lord's table.
The Vestry is a spiritual community that serves as a “board of directors” overseeing the financial, spiritual, physical buildings, and outreach ministries of Church of Our Saviour. Individual Vestry members serve as liaisons between the multitude of ministries at Church of Our Saviour and report on the ministries to the Vestry on a regular basis.

We worship God, follow Jesus, are led by the Holy Spirit, share our faith, and serve in the world.
In 1867, Church of Our Saviour became the first Protestant Church in the San Gabriel Valley. It was the dream of Mrs.. Frances Vinton of Rhode Island who, in 1859, envisioned a time when “The Glory of God might be told from sea to sea.”
COS began as a Sunday school. It gained strength when services began to be held at the school. These services were attended by some of the most prominent figures in early California history, most notably the family of Don Benito Wilson. This small Sunday school converged with its destiny when Mrs. Vinton sent $2500 in cash via stagecoach to the Los Angeles Diocese to purchase land on Roses Road and build a church.